Posted April 7, 2014 by Marc Gottlieb
Prep Time 10 min Cook Time 15 min Ready Time 25 min Servings: 6


  • 250 grams onion
  • 400 grams canned tomatoes
  • 1 whole yellow pepper
  • 6 whole eggs
  • salt and pepper


Chop onions and saute in oil until golden. Pour chopped or crushed tomatoes on top of the onions and incorporate. Sprinkle finely diced yellow peppers into the sauce. Season with salt, black pepper and cayenne pepper. Make depressions in the sauce with a large spoon or ladle. Space the depressions 2cm (1 in) apart. Crack an egg into a glass and check for blood spots. Pour the egg into the depression. Repeat until all the depressions are full. Turn fire to low and cover. Cook for 8 minutes until top of eggs are set. Serve in the pan or carefully spoon a little sauce into a bowl and set an egg on top of it.